Originally Posted By: Orac
You have assumed QM has something to do with gravity, last I looked it appears nowhere in the theory

But you are the one that started spouting about QM in the middle of a discussion of GR. So it appears that you think QM is an integral part of GR.

I was discussing GR with Bill S. when you came along with your attempts to "educate" Bill S. on QM subjects. Since what we were discussing was specifically related to the usual analogy between GR and a bowling ball on an elastic sheet I don't see what relevance your references to QM had to do with the discussion. They implied, as usual, that you are still on your QM is master kick.

Originally Posted By: Orac
I know of no science communicator who can get answers to the questions Bill S is asking without Bill S needing to learn more. If you know someone please recommend them to him.

And no decent teacher tries to teach a student the advanced material without first leading him/her through the preliminary steps. If Bill S. needs to know more he needs to be given the basic knowledge that he needs to understand the advanced material. In other words work through his questions, and help him understand, don't just say here study all this advanced material and then you will be able to answer the question yourself.

I have been trying to help Bill S. see just how the bowling ball analogy fails by taking his questions one at a time, as he brings them up. I don't think he needs to have a complete understanding of either QM or GR, he just wants some help in figuring out how to view them. I doubt if he is interested in getting a PHD at his age.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.