source >>> ENERGY in SPACE >>> detector

source can be on Earth
detector can be on Moon

we turn on bulb ( 0,5 sec only )

light need 1 sec to touch the detector
(distance moon-Earth = 300 000 km )

detector is checking Intensity [ Joules / mm^2 ]
if Inverse Square Law works we not have Expantion

if Detector showing that we not have Inverse Square Law
exist other reson that signal is losting power

( space that is expanding reduce joules/mm^3 )

principle of conservation of energy
the same enegy but more biger space = lover intensity

people like me like simple physics without mathematica

very good detector = photocamera [ joules/ mm^2 ]

TWO PERPENDICULAR CAMERA = Joules / mm^3 detector !!!

Last edited by newton; 07/07/14 05:37 PM.