The only thing oppressed in USA is the intelligence of some of the rednecks who think that stopping for a sobriety test so drunk rednecks don't kill innocent people is oppression

I could understand actual sobriety check point's set up at the
parking lots of night clubs and even in the parking lots of fast food stores , etc...

but to stop every single person driving down a highway to check
all of them is overkill.

they don't need to cause anyone to exit their vehicle to check
if they are a legal citizen or who they are , all they need to do is to run the cars license plate number.

or get them to hold their drivers license up against the cars window , each card has a readable strip on it.

you have to get an ID card these days anyway when you get your
drivers license so they could simply and effectively check who
you are and see your picture on their patrol cars laptops if
these ID pictures were or are available when they run the cars license plate numbers.

then when they look at the driver through a closed window glass
they will be able to identify if the driver matches the photo
that is registered to the drivers license.

from the videos I've watched their main concern seems to be
to find out who the person is and all under the guise of sobriety checks.

But no, they want to instill in the population a degree of fear
or should I use the word tyranny instead.

It's all a part of the united nations agenda 21 which is to
mass people into the cities so that people can be exterminated

If I ever get the opportunity to vote to kick the united nation's out of the U.S. I will gladly vote them out.

I don't think that the U.S. needs to be dictated to by the
united nations.

Also , I truly believe that it would benefit the U.S. if we would remove ourselves as members of the united nations.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.