We were lucky here. I had the radio on the car at 3.30 when I was picking up my grandson (aged 6) from school. He told me they are learning about Space this term and he had painted a space picture. Together we heard the the robotic lander was down , and later in the 4pm news we heard it was safe, I dug out the morning's paper and he cut out the colour picture and article from the paper to show his mum, dad- and teacher today.

We were very excited and grubbed around to find maps, books etc. which had stuff about space in them. The globe even had an airing!

He is so excited about this feat and chattered happily about it and insisted on watching the news at home to see it. He was really interested, all the more so when we realised that the tracking station at Tidbinbilla has been dusted off to help in the mission.

Actually I am avoiding the TV and the internet at the moment, so we researched the old fashioned way. Apparently there is something going on in London which is being broadcast 24 hours a day, non-stop and here in OZ, sadly, we dare not speak its name!

Space is a much happier topic!