Tonight (here in the USA) Curiosity will be landing on Mars. The landing will be carried "live" on NASA TV. If you have a high speed internet connection you can watch it on NASA Television in High Definition on UStream. The landing time will be 05:31 UTC (01:31 Eastern US time). That means I will be staying up late tonight. However, I don't have to stay up quite as late, since I am in the Central Time Zone and the landing will be at 12:31.

I say "live" because there is a 14 minute transmission delay between here and Mars, so we won't know what happened during the crucial 7 minutes until it is all over.

For some reason none of the TV networks, including the cable networks, here in the US seems to be carrying it.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.