As the illusions gradually fade as knowledge increases, would not the clutter be the god

Or is god the space left at the end of the investigation.

Whilst the universe is presently inexplicable and awe inspiring, I feel one day it will be explicable and awe inspiring.

We are caught in a trap with discussing this topic due to the myriad definitions of the word god. How is it possible to discuss the god of the multiverse in all that entity's complexity in the same breath as the God who exerts His influence on the weather when we have prayed to Him to not let it rain on our team's football match? Both are valid beliefs, and the football loving God is no less real to the fan than the finely reasoned theological ruminations on the nature of the divine are to the academic.

Taking the nature of faith into consideration, for some of us the multiverse is a substitute for god, for others it is not, as their faith in their god is unshakeable, and for others it cannot be, as for them god does not exist.