Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Our ancestors tried to make sense of the world around them. Some things seemed to make sense quite readily. Other things appeared to need an explanation that was outside anything they could experience, so they thought up explanations that seemed to make sense, but were not contemporarily testable.

Modern cosmologists try to make sense of the cosmos. Some things seem to make sense quite readily. Other things appear to need an explanation that is outside anything they can experience, so they think up explanations that seem to make sense, but are not currently testable.

There are some of our human ancestors who are on par with modern cosmologists and match what was said about the universe appearing out of potential (nothing) and intention rather than from a bang of chaotic energies. Intention meaning something much more appropriate to conditions of consciousness moving thru the essence of matter drawing it forth into creation.

Can you get something from nothing or do you can get something from something?

And your welcome Bill for the address to the topic title. I figured you were expecting no less since you decided to put the God nameplate onto your article.
I guess I'm not the only one... eh? wink

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!