Originally Posted By: redewenur
Thanks for your opinions, Bill. Obviously, I see things differently. I have no objection to the term 'ape'. It's simply a label for a particular group of genetically related animals that includes us. The differences in capabilities between species are of no account in the taxonomic system.

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

Mike said...
Well I am afraid I am another (of many millions?) who sees things differently.
Nor am I too happy with your above last sentence Rede.
Prehaps you ought to add- "The differences in capabilities between species are of no account in the taxonomic system as recognised at the present time?
For I feel sure that eventually it will be scientificly recognised that Apes and Humans are indeed different species.

Originally Posted By: Bill Gill

Bill Gill said-
"And don't forget that we are special. Because we are the only species on Earth that can make major changes in the way the Earth is organized. Claiming that we are just apes is simply a way to try to put down our humanity. We are human and we are special. Keep in mind of course that there is no good reason why we are special. There is no great plan that we are following, it just happened that way."

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

Yes Bill, we are special, due to the huge differences in capabilitys... besides our Speech, Art and Writing, and our ability to re-shape the the World (as you mentioned) that we live in....I cannot see any species of monkey or ape, even given another 50 or 100 million years of time... ever develop the technology or ability to leave our Earth and walk on the Moon.
That seems the best proof to me, that we are supremely unique in our intellectual and cognitive skills.
That said, I do believe we will eventually name ourselves, as a separate species.
All Species of animals upon Earth have developed to the top of their particular tree, accordingly to their location, their interaction with other species, the local fauna, food chain, weather, and historical time line etc. etc.

Hundreds of thousands of seemingly perfect Ok Darwinean species have become extinct, over the last few million years.
Most of these single species having reached the 'top of their tree', did not develop any further than we were able to unfold, or tease out from their Darwinian and Archeological historys.

If as humans, we really did develop from Lemurs, or tree Shrews etc, (one school of thought) then it must have taken a few million years of Darwinian development, all the while keeping a very low profile, together with a lot of luck.

If true, we deserve to be in our own seperate species.
If we humans arrived by any other means, we still deserve to have a seperate classification.

Nor do I see much point in using or talking about DNA to back up theories.
We all know that every form of life upon this Earth, is based upon DNA
So there is not a lot of argument to be gained by stating that we have
a certain percentage DNA simularitys to Monkeys.
Dont forget we all have DNA simularities to all other species of Earth life, (as well other forms of life yet to be found within our Universe)?
For I believe the DNA Double Helix, as the basis of life, is probably everywhere.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.