Well, if you are going to be that way about it then chimpanzees are human. They belong to the family Hominidae the same as we do. It all depends on your point of view. And my point of view is that there are enough differences between us and the other Hominidae that I will consider us to be completely different beings. There is a relationship, but then you may have some relations you would like to have no connections with.

That being said there is a huge question of just when our ancestors started being Homo. Ian Tattersall in his writings has made the point that the definition of the genus Homo is a very subjective thing. The most accepted criteria are brain size and tool making. But it appears that some of the australopithecines may have been tool makers. Their brains though were not much larger than the brains of modern chimpanzees. Any way the definition of homo is very vague, except that we are now the only species in the genus.

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.