But dear friends if we know that there was a creator who wanted to simulate the randomness
Whether some ditzy religion or some ditzy movie, buncha crap. Do you offer pieces of hard cheese and Italian dry salami for the Keebler Elves each evening? They will exact revenge you if you do not - and always do it in a way that cannot be traced back to themselves.

The digits of pi are perfectly random by all formal and informal tests - better than any other irrational and/or transcendental number. For all that...

Interesting inter-pi sequences (digits after the decimal):

271828182845 from 1,016,065,419,627-th
314159265358 from 1,142,905,318,634-th

012345678910 from 1,198,842,766,717-th

01234567890 from 53,217,681,704-th
01234567890 from 148,425,641,592-th
01234567890 from 461,766,198,041-th
01234567890 from 542,229,022,495-th
01234567890 from 674,836,914,243-th
01234567890 from 731,903,047,549-th
01234567890 from 751,931,754,993-th
01234567890 from 884,326,441,338-th
01234567890 from 1,073,216,766,668-th

98765432109 from 123,040,860,473-th
98765432109 from 133,601,569,485-th
98765432109 from 150,339,161,883-th
98765432109 from 183,859,550,237-th
98765432109 from 300,854,719,683-th
98765432109 from 534,846,931,487-th
98765432109 from 593,100,546,152-th
98765432109 from 609,238,336,350-th
98765432109 from 647,565,670,462-th
98765432109 from 936,998,389,684-th
98765432109 from 1,116,106,038,318-th

09876543210 from 42,321,758,803-th
09876543210 from 57,402,068,394-th
09876543210 from 83,358,197,954-th
09876543210 from 264,556,921,332-th
09876543210 from 437,898,859,384-th
09876543210 from 454,479,252,941-th
09876543210 from 614,717,584,937-th
09876543210 from 704,023,668,380-th
09876543210 from 718,507,192,392-th
09876543210 from 790,092,685,538-th

All that occurs with the expected statistical incidence and spacing. Pi digit frequency distributions for 1.2x10^12 digits,

0: 119,999,636,735
1: 120,000,035,569
2: 120,000,620,567
3: 119,999,716,885
4: 120,000,114,112
5: 119,999,710,206
6: 119,999,941,333
7: 119,999,740,505
8: 120,000,830,484
9: 119,999,653,604

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)