"..why should professional physicists have a lower standard..."

"Well, try to define the "height of standard" quantity, please. "

I'm afraid you're missing my point. If you can ignore responses to your theory by people because you believe the majority of them are not professional physicists, then why should professional physicists not hold your views to the same standard?

"I wasn't allowed to present my ideas even on laymen forums, like this one.."
Word gets around. I can a number of forums where you did present your ideas, were answered, and then kept spamming your "theory" on the channel. At least that was my perspective - you were answered, you didn't like the answer, and then took every opportunity to continue bringing up your theory that most knowledgeable people seem to think doesn't actually explain anything.

"Would I become a "proffesional physicist", when becoming famous?"
Again, you miss the point. He was respected BEFORE he became famous. People could tell that he actually knew what he was talking about. If you are actually very brilliant, that is not what is being conveyed by your posts.