"I'm explaining a Pythagorean theorem to my dog."
Well, I think it tells me something very important about you that you might try to explain such a thing to your dog ... oh, oh ... I get it everyone else is no smarter than a dog compared to the vast intellect of the genius who devised the ultimate "theory" of AWT! That's an imaginative scenario.

I have a different scenario. Suppose some "random" fellow from the local sanitarium attempts to explain Goedel's theorem to a professor of physics. Maybe this fellow got a science award in third grade. And maybe he's actually read a lot of books. Maybe he was in the room next to Goedel, but see he thinks he's smarter than Goedel. None of the other inmates and none of the nurses can understand Goedel and none of them can understand the random fellow either. But the professor of physics, well, he can't quite follow Goedel - and he's not absolutely sure he believes Goedel, but he can at least distinguish that Goedel makes some sense and the other fellow none.