If the Universe is infinite random stuff, what makes it finite in our eyes. From which the apparent quantization follows?

The trick is, the same gradients are serving both like mean of observation, both like subject of observation. We can imagine it as a laser ray observation in the dense fog. If the fog is too sparse, the dispersion of laser light will be faint and we wouldn't see anything. And vice-versa, if the fog will be too dense, we wouldn't see anything as well, because of too dispersion. Therefore some optimal value of fog density exists there, which enables to see as much from Universe, as possible.

We can understand it even by more relevant way, if we realize the energy spreading in the dense condensing supercritical fluid. In such fluid, the energy spreading prefers the surface gradients of the resulting density fluctuations.

But here's a optimal density of density gradients. If these density gradient are too sparse, the energy can spread fast through it, but with low intensity. If these density gradients are too dense, the energy can spread with high intensity, but too slowly. By another words, the optimal density of gradients is such density, which enables us to see as many gradients from the condensing supercritical fluid, as possible, but the speed of energy spreading is always limited, because the portion of high speed energy spreading ceases to zero inside of such system by the same way, like the portion of high density of energy spreading.

It means, inside of large chaotic field, the number of states, which are observable at the same moment is always quite limited because of limited speed of energy/information spreading. And such system can never appear completely chaotic for us by the same way, like the color patterns, formed by limited number of color states inside of random field of colored dots.

The colored dots will exhibit the formation of fractal patterns, which are scale invariant and they're corresponds the distribution of prime numbers in large (but finite) sequence of natural numbers (a Riemann Zeta function, in particular). Note that these patterns are scale invariant, they're always appear the same, despite the number of entities involved - they're forming so called u nparticles. Well, and these particles are everything, what we are allowed to see from chaotic Universe, which appears like composed from chaotic clouds or Perlin noise from sufficiently distant perspective. Because we are tending to see just a density gradients from our universe, such cloud is transformed to dense nested foam of density gradients, which we can observe both in large scales as a streaks of dark matter, both in Planck scale as a "quantum foam" or as a "fabric of space".

It means, every law inside of our observable Universe follows from the sufficiently exaggerated/multiplied laws of energy distribution/spreading through chaotic field of density fluctuations of itself. Both our reality, both we are formed just by order distribution in chaos - nothing less, nothing more.