I think i may have come up with a Unified field theory. Not Kidding. I'm posting it to try and get holes shot in it.

Matter is Compressed space-time.The shape of this compression gives the form of matter.Regular matter can be considered to be up. Anti-matter can be considered down. The shape of the matter determines which waves can propogate through them. A ferrous material's shape allows the standing wave of a magnetic field to influence it. A mateerial which appers Red has a shape which correlates to reflecting red light. . Gravity is the curvature of space time( ala Einstein ) Electromagnetic radiation is waves propagating through Space time. A good example would be to imagine the universe as an expanding bubble of water with the fabric of space time as water. Matter would be compressed water which is ice. This does away with the need for Messenger particles like the photon and graviton to explain how energy traves through a vacuum.It travels within the fabric of spacetime itself. This also explains why it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. As you Accelerate you compress space time in front of you, and as space time is commpresed it becomes matter. your mass increases thereby requiring more energy to accelerate which in turn increses your mass. Also Einsteins E=Mc2 hold true as both matter and energy are different forms of space time they can easily be transformed into one another. The wave theory of space time also explains why magnetism can act at a distance. Imagine A magnet as dot in the middle of a standing wave.This has to do with Magnetic fields resulting from the travel of electrons in a cirlce at the speed of light, producing a standing wave The noth pole stats the crest and the south pole starts the trough. When meeting another magnetic field the type of interference governs the reaction. A like wave ,say crest to crest produces repulsion as the wave interact with each other. The opposite holds true for crest to trough interaction.