Originally Posted By: Revlgking
What do you think causes one person to become a saint, and another a terrorist?
Inside of each random particle system, a two ways of energy spreading exists: the longitudinal waves and the transversal ones. The longitudinal waves are spreading from particle to particle without no apparent direction preferred. But in dense particle system always exist a density fluctuations, too. The energy/information is spreading along such density gradients in quite different (dual) way: the energy spreads through it in transversal waves, i.e. like waves at water surface without dispersion, i.e. by predestined, causal way.

Being a highly ordered creatures, we are preferring to consider just a highly ordered way of information spreading as an insintric property of space. But such view is anthropocentrically biased. Inside of large volume areas of vacuum the energy spreads in noncausual way, i.e. via longitudinal waves, where infinite number of time arrow exists. We can detect the traces of such wave spreading in quantum uncertainty phenomena: the quantum uncertainty tell us, the Universe is highly random by its very nature.

We can met with this dual behavior of reality in many situations. While some people prefers the spreading of their influence by the using of rational, ordered way, some others are preferring the spreading of chaos and violence. The evolution learn us, both approaches are having their substantiation, both strategies can be successful from their evolutionary point of view. In the rational society, the aggressive, competitive stance is transformed into free-market competition, but it's still present here. The people are always trying to find optimal strategy by the same way, like energy waves spreading through inhomogeneous particle system: some prefers to spread through bulk, some other prefers to adhere the rules of density gradients.

By the same way, some peoples are asocial, while some others tends to adhere on existing society rules. We can call the asocial people as a mutations of society. As we know, the mutations aren't always harmless, they can promote a new ways of evolution sometimes. As we know, the fast evolving society always contains more asocial individuals with "West East habits", then the well balanced, steady-state one. We cannot fully avoid the mutations, or our evolution would stop completely. But in most common, general case, the mutations are malign and harmless and they're destroy its carrier. It's our price for fast evolution of human society.

Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Why did Einstein say: "Imagination is more important than knowledge?
I suppose, the above analogy has explained already, why both approaches are in duality. But the mutations in thinking, i.e. the violation of well established paradigms is what drives the evolution in "forward way". The following of rules can never lead to the significant improvement of the existing models, only conservation of them.

But I don't think, the Universe as a whole tends to some form of evolution purportedly. By my opinion, the Universe is completely random and its present highly ordered state (as we can observe by now locally) is just an accident, a local fluctuation, well balanced by the large volume of the surrounding cosmic space, full of chaos. Well, if we throw the dices many times, even intelligent life can create. I, at any rate, am convinced that He does throw dice. We're just refuting to see all His attempts.