
Further, let's assume water behaved in the manner Genepax claims:
Without adding external energy, water will separate into hydrogen and oxygen..then release heat and electricity and then recombine back into water.

I really do wish that people with brains would stop relying on the old school theory that has never been proven , that is merely a guideline that is taught in schools , mainly because it has never been publicly accepted as disproven.

thermodynamics is a set of theories or laws they are not facts.

you say that the Genepax will not work from your observation of what little bit of information you have seen !!!

That is not a scientific approach to anything !!

just by using a few lines of what you were taught in school you claim that the Genepax will not work...

well I have seen the video.
I have seen the animation that describes how it works and can clearly see that it could easily do just as described...

what have you shown us other than your ability to follow in the footsteps of those who have stagnated progress and technology for the past several decades by quoting the same old same old that has been the main reason for the denial of funding of many a great invention.

and what were your tools ...a few observations scribbled down several hundred years ago?

that have been twisted and manupilated to conform to the ideals of a oil dependent world.

If you would have examined the "how it works" animation

how it works

you would have noticed that on one end there is an explosion that separates the water into hydrogen and oxygen.

on the other end there is a implosion as the hydrogen and oxygen join to form water again , the same amount of energy that is required for the explosion is returned by the implosion.

I would suspect that the implosion provides the "explosion"
or separation through a vacume and a nano structured membrane material.

wouldnt you?

there also appears to be a frequency vibration applied before the seperation , I have read that some low frequencies can split water.


3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.