Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Presuming that there are honest scientists and technologists among us: Speak up. Is this an expensive hoax, or not?

Originally Posted By: Mike Kremer

Its got to be expensive to buy.
The carbon footprint of a water powered car, may sound very low,
but overall I doubt it.
Its specialized manufacture, which includes its power cell, and high capacity battery to pump the cell, would always make it expensive and less efficient to run than a gasoline engine.
Also it is bound to have a limited milage. One other possibility is how long would it need to power the Fuel cell (or its battery) than runs the cell.
The fuel Cell either drives the car, using its output voltage to run the vehicle.....or run the fuel Cell that produces the hydrogen/oxygen from the water.....but not both at the same time.
Admittedly we don't have enough information to make a proper evaluation.
But if you have to recharge or repower the fuel cell from the household 110v ac. outlet every 100 miles or less, then its overall carbon footprint would not be any better than a small gasoline driven car, and very much more expensive to buy.

The fact that the blurb states it will also run on (the best quality cup of Oolong tea :D) tends to make me believe while not a hoax, it will end up as though it was.
But then thats my opinion.
Now here is the latest video (in english)



"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.