ELLis says
I just don't believe we exist after we are dead. Not in any way, shape or form.
To me, this makes any person's existence, cut short by death of the body, pointless.

Compare this anomie-like belief with the nihilism:

"Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical position which argues that existence is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. ...
* Objective morality does not exist; therefore no action is logically preferable to any other.
* In the absence of morality, existence has no higher meaning or goal.
* There is no reasonable proof or argument for the existence of a higher ruler or creator.
* Even if a higher ruler or creator exists, mankind has no moral obligation to worship them.

The term nihilism is sometimes used synonymously with anomie to denote a general mood of despair at the pointlessness of existence."

Nihilist can refer to a person who rejects truth, meaning, value, and the possibility of knowledge. It was, also, a Russian cultural and political movement.

The nihilist theory was formulated by Cernysevskij in his novel "Cto delat" (What shall be done, 1862-64), which forecasts a new social order constructed on the ruins of the old. But essentially, Nihilism was a reaction against the abuses of Russian absolutism; it originated with the first secret political society in Russia founded by Pestel (1817), and its first effort was the military revolt of the Decembrists (14 Dec., 1825).

Nicholas I crushed the uprising, sent its leaders to the scaffold and one hundred and sixteen participants to Siberia. The spread (1830) of certain philosophical doctrines (Hegel, Saint Simon, Fourier) brought numerous recruits to Nihilism, especially in the universities; and, in many of the cities, societies were organized to combat absolutism and introduce constitutional government.

MY PERSONAL FAITH--which respects all sincerely held beliefs.
I try to avoid confusing the death of my physical body with the death of me. Also, I try to avoid absolutism in all its forms. As I understand it, over the years I have lost several bodies. The day will come when I will use up the last one. I look on this as the death of my last body. But, without any proof at this point, in no way do I feel that this is the death of me.

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org