Hello Revlgking,

Spring here is real nice. The temp is about 80 degrees with a beautiful blue sky to look at. We had some rain last night. My health so far as I know is good. I take no medication, however I did have a terrible head cold for the past few days-but I used my secret formula for that. I am going to give this out and it works-it is an old remedy but completely natural.

soft peppermint candy
slice of lemon

mix it all together, about 3/4 of inch in a coffee cup of moonshine or (white liquor)and the rest of the cup with the other ingredients. Heat it-drink it as hot as you can stand it and go to bed. You can't buy anything that will work better that this. I feel like a new man today--I can breath. But, I have no medical problems as I know, and had a checkup a few weeks ago. Other than being lazy, stupid and hard headed I'm Ok.

Thanks for asking Rev.

have a good day