Originally Posted By: Canuck
Benny - what you stated is exactly my issue with AGW. It really isn't about reducing CO2, the main goal is to reduce consumption. While this is a worthwhile goal, you're lying to the public, and twisting science to cause a sociological change. People who are involved in science shudder at the thought of science being manipulated to suit political agendas, and that's exactly what we have now. You want to reduce consumption, fine, I'm right behind you. But don't throw out idiotic threats (Al Gore) in hopes of causing change. The end never justifies the means.

The other huge negative with this, is you're focusing on the wrong issue. Lets spend trillions of dollars on reducing air pollution (and I'm not talking CO2), lets spend some money reducing water pollution. Let's work on keeping our soil from washing away. Let's develop infrastructure in the 3rd world, in hopes of reducing the 3-5 million deaths per year due to inadequate water or sanitation. These are real issues, that are occurring today, and they're getting left behind because they're not as 'sexy' as AGW is. The media would much rather report on some climate 'prediction' then a few million dying of diarrhea.

I'm guessing you know where I stand on this issue now.

First off 'Canuk' I have not "lied" to anybody ,second your desire to shoot down the effort to save our planet comes off as very shortsighted to me. You obviously consider yourself very intelligent. I don't care to spend a lot of time arguing with someone like you, but I have three childeren and have a big stake in the future. I however am only a single person and I know I cannot 'save the world' on my own. I would just like to leave something for my children, and if we fail to put the enviroment first and foremost on our list of priorities we will leave a much different earth than the one we live in behind.
I have read about the statistics on contaminated water, cancer rates, athsma, allergy and immune problems, climate change, erosion, and the loss of topsoil. It seems like the facts should be obvious to anybody ...but here you are!
The only logical argument you produce is C02 and so what? Even if C02 is not causing climate change, human activity undeniably is.
You seem to have the opinion that because part of the book on the enviroment is in debate (C02&warming) than the whole moral of the story must be wrong! How foolish is that?
Reducing consumption would mean living a very different lifestyle than the wise people of Canada currently enjoy.
Most of them would be unwilling to sacrifice the necessary luxories they currently have to help the cause.
Your comment on the development of the third world really reflects your wisdom......the earth after all could not sustain a whole planet of people who consume as much as Canadians, it in fact is the third world which provides the cheap excess that you enjoy...in fact it is you needing to live more like them being the solution rather than the opposite romantic notion that you have stated here.
The REAL issues, sir are pollution, excessive consumption and over-exploitation of the worlds resourses by industrialized nations (such as Canada) that continue to 'consume the earth' today.
Your attitude of indifference is part of the problem. You are the one focusing on irrelevant issues, who gives a @#$% about what the gov. says about C02, the problem at hand is preservation of the enviroment who cares what flag it flies under? It may already be too late mostly due to people like you wanting to argue about petty facts!!!!!
I don't care what people you have found on the web say about it, after all I can find somebody who does'nt believe in the holocaust if I look hard enough. The difference is I can look around me and see the evidence of a dying planet. It's dying because of human over-consumption......you have the right to believe what you choose (some people believe God is a computer)
but shame on you for trying to dis-credit a cause as noble as saving our planet because some polititions didn't say things the way you think they should.

I will do myself a favor and disregard your comments from now on.

The authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.