Originally Posted By: ImranCan
I could not agree more ....

Far more interesting though is the human behaviour which has recently become prevalent. The global warming "believers" are showing increased signs of fanaticism..............>

I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and say "what is going on here ?" We should all remember that its better to read books than to burn them. And before we all start panicking about polar bears, it wouldn't hurt to rememember that Greenland was indeed once green.

Yes of course Greenland was once green.
In the Pliocene era, Greenland was further south than now.
Much earlier it had previously been a land bridge for the movement of Dinosaurs between N America and Spain, before the Atlantic grew too wide. The type of Fauna, ferns and other tropical plants unearthed around the coast of south Greenland prove that.
The continent of Antartica was also a tropical paradise at that time, and contains substantial coal reserves to prove it.

If you think Greenland was ice free, say 2000 years ago.
Just tell me why the oceans were not 20 feet higher then, in the past than now?
All the coastal flooded towns found under the sea today, prove that the oceans were many feet lower 5000 years ago than today.
The oceans have been rising recently....I wonder why?

Dont pretend to be an Ostrich, and bury your head in the sand.

Pollution, dust, dirty rain and snow is falling everywhere.
But nowhere does it cause more damage than where it falls upon snow and ice causing surface melting, and the undermining of glaciers, snowfields, and ocean ice. Russian Siberia is fast turning into a bog and qagmire.
Norway's oil rig production from within the Artic Barents sea, is alive and well. Something impossible to contemplate 20 years ago, since the sea was frozen all year round.
Manmade city heat, plus cooling water from power stations, are all contributing to man-made warming.
Why has the sale of air-conditioners risen world wide?

And if you tell me warming is due to an increase in the heat output of our Sun, or our 26,000 year precession around our ecliptic plane, you are closing your eyes to reality.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.