Originally Posted By: Count Iblis II
Of course, climate change is man made, that's settled science.

Given that this scientific forum spends most of the time discussing this very question, I find this to be a very polarising remark. This is the kind of position which is driving some very unhealthy behaviours - see attached article for what I mean.


I would disagree on a couple of points - i don't think the destruction of the 'hockey stick' viewpoint is irrelevant. It has been significantly discredited and ignoring this is just like saying you ingnore the data you don't like.

Additonally I want to raise a question about the so called "elementary physics" - isn't it true that ALL models based on this "elementary physics" predict that the troposphere will show the greatest degree of warming ? However data shows there has been no temeperature change whatsoever. So is this data irrelevant or are the models wrong ?