dvk ... to answer your question I am a US citizen but I have lived in other countries and plan to be doing so again in a few years.
REP: Glad to know that you belong to great country which has allowed me to speak freely.
Does terrorism affect my life? Only in that environment is changed by the morons that terrorise with bombs in cars and by the morons that terrorise by using morons with bombs in cars as an excuse to try to take away my rights and freedoms.
REP: Yes, thats what I want to say .. you have power of vote... do not choose people who speak against freedom or dilute its current expression.Because the advantages of restrictions are too tempting to ask for more and more...ask a communist nation.
The clash that exists today, and has existed throughout human history, is between those that follow and those that think.
REP: Those that follow fight with those who follow, although they both follow different things.. and thinkers are not so innocent , they lay the foundation of such ideologies.clash is natrual but you must not fight with bombs... nothing serious ever happens in this billion numbered Universe.So enjoy and prescribe peace with voice without violence.
The followers may be following nationalist idiocy such as in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia or, today, NeoCon America. The followers may be following religious idiocy such as those that took part in the crusades, or supported the Inquisition, or follow Pat Robertson or Osama bin Laden. The followers may be following populist/cultural idiocy such as giving a damn about what Paris Hilton does or does not do. It really doesn't matter what they follow it always leads them inevitably to hell.
REP:No one goes to hell... only those in heaven call it hell.
The thinkers, on the other hand, whether thinking about science, or music, or art, those using their minds for creative purposes have rarely, if ever, led nations to genocide, homicide, or suicide.
REP: Creative people are girlishly sensitive about their feelings and ideas.. even ordinary stupid daily looks mysterious to them...
So they cant even think of doing Genocide but they lay the foundation unknowingly...
Otherwise why Einstein wrote E=mc^2
When society places more value on the memory of a famous surgeon or educator than it does on the memory of a famous conqueror or football player progress will have been made. I don't expect to live long enough to see that day. Nor do I expect my children or their children to do so either.
REP:Couldnt get you here...World remembers no one for too long ..