Count Iblis ... you are seeing things clearly. Terrorist is a label without meaning. Just like liberal, or conservative, or the one you used Neo-Con. They are words intended to inflame rather than clarify (not that I am saying that was your intent).

What is pathetic is that so many people take these fuzzy labels and use them to render opinions such as "tax and spend liberals" which we heard so much about. Funny that now with conservative Republicans controlling the White House and all of Congress, and with budgets higher than they ever were before ... we don't hear any complaining about government spending being out of control. Yep is was just a red herring that meant ... they control who gets the money and not us.

So it is with terrorism. We do effectively the same things they do ... of course we do it with 500 pound bombs and don't kill our pilots while they do it with volunteers shorter on brains than guts. But in both cases innocent people are killed.

The problems will stop when the average moron on the street gets it through his thick head that none of this benefits him and his family. He's just too stupid to say "Hell no we won't go" when called upon to support the label d'jour.

DA Morgan