The chances of you getting attacked is 1 in millions ... so why do you want powerful people to effect your lives in a way which reduces your freedom and offers false security...
The chances that someone will die because of heart attack is much more than due to terrorist attack...
If countries or people start over reacting then we know who won...
It must ignored and fundamental reasons needs to be resolved peacefully.
The fundamental solution involves mutual accpetance of the fact they do not fully understand each other as countires and communities ...and we need to discuss and allow osmosis of cultures..
Both parties must accpet that they both will have to change their undertanding of what they know(as their is always something new to know)..
Even the prophet failed to write every detail about the Universe...not becuase he didnt knew it but because he had not enough time to write it... thus every individual must discover new truths on his own...
Going back every time exclusively to science and religion will not help ...They both describe the truth in a self enclosed way ... nothing from outside can validate it...or prove it right or wrong...
Reality uses reality to verify..
Maths uses maths to verify...
Religion uses religion to verify ...
Therfore discuss more often ...and share more often and share it like christ.