Thank you j6p of demonstrating a willingness to face up to the consequences of a perfectly reasonable definition of the word. You really should, however, look up and learn about the fire bombings. They were not exactly one of our proudest moments. Which is not to say I wouldn't have endorsed them at the time. But hardly something to be proud of.

FalliableFiend ... you wrote: "Overthrowing the governments of other countries is not necessarily terrorism and not necessarily even criminal."

Actually it is. Unless, of course, you are one of those people that thinks the international agreements your country agreed to abide by are worthless.

You are a strange bird to accuse me of engaging in debate society behaviour. So far you've dodged addressing a single substantive issue. Why? Lacking in knowledge? or courage? or integrity?

Was our vaporization of two civilian cities in Japan an act of terrorism? Yes or No?

Was our firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo acts of terrorism? Yes or No?

Was our invasion and overthrow of the democratically elected government of a sovereign country terrorism? Yes or No?

Why not stop the posturing and address the specific issues that have been put forward.

I understand self-criticism takes courage but it is quite cathartic. And you can not address the issue if you are not willing to be honest about your own country's failings.

DA Morgan