Glad you all enjoyed it folks. Ellis asked, "why believing such rubbish makes more sense to anyone than scientific historical truth." I think it's summed up in this link:

Quote: "if a person doubts the Bible's accuracy about Noah's Ark, then for that person, the entire Bible looses its absolute authority in every other area in which it speaks ... Peter, and most significantly, Jesus, all present this story as historically accurate. In fact, it's historical validity is an essential cornerstone undergirding the very gospel in which we trust. If the story of Noah is not literally true as claimed by the writers of Scripture, then the promise of eternal life in Christ would be no more trustworthy than a fable."

Yes. If it's not literally true then the whole Bible is open to interpretation, God forbid (sorry, couldn't resist).

Here's another titbit from the link:

"Our CREATOR originally created many different types of creatures, each kind having a DNA genome capable of a vast potential for variation within that kind."

Really? Now perhaps someone can explain this to me. Each individual can have a maximum of only two variations for each gene. So two individuals can have a total of only four. Just these four variations have given rise to all the dog kinds?

One more regarding dinosaurs:

"Noah certainly would have taken young or even baby animals on the ark, not full grown adults of every kind. Even T. Rex eggs are smaller than a football, folks."

Wonder what he used as an incubator?