Originally Posted By: redewenur
Incidentally, this caught my eye:

"it's already in need of fine tuning while he built it."

Meaning, I suppose, that he was unable to get it quite right with his first shot.

Not at all what I'm saying. Let's say you build a car. You have exact plans and you know exactly how it has to be and you can get it right the very first time because you're the best car builder that ever was.

Part of your plan is to make the fuel line curve just so around the doohickey on the flimmajamma.

So you build your car, careful to get just the right curve of fuel line around the doohickey to avoid flimmajamma problems.

Is that a fine tuning? Yes. Did you get it right the first time? Yes. Does the fact that you had to go in and curve it just right mean that you made a mistake? No.

Try this:

What you are saying is that the laws of physics being such as they are, the events since the Big Bang necessarily took the time that they did. No scientist can argue against that. Now, since God, according to your view, chose those laws of physics, the time taken is precisely as He intended.

Is that accurate?

That is exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you for putting it more eloquently than I.
