DA Morgan

I am an admin for a site devoted to Milo's work, and is run by an old friend of his, Geoff. The aether is a hotly debated topic there. We are divided into several groups over it.

Milo is of the belief that the fabric of space itself serves as a medium and is the aether many have looked for. If they are one in the same, that would explain why it has not been easy to detect.

Geoff thinks that waves act like carrier waves for other waves, and what we think of as the ZPE field is the aether. Milo's equations showed that the ZPE field would not be the same everywhere and refers to it as the wave density of space, this is what lead Geoff to his conclusion.

Nigel has the concept that scalar waves originate from a higher dimension and do not need a medium to propagate. Hence his efforts are more in line with string theory and reconciling their work with Milo's.

My work lies somewhere between Milo's and Geoff's concepts. I believe that the latent energy density of space is the medium for wave propagation. The observed value for this energy density is very close to zero. Work from high energy collisions in particle accelerators lead me to this conclusion. Several researchers in this field have referred to sphere of energy produced by these collisions as the "perfect fluid" showing zero viscosity. If energy density can behave as a perfect fluid I surmised that it could be the medium for wave propagation. Most of my work has been in that direction.

Lastly there could be a means of wave propagation that we have not considered.

The concept of an aether is starting to make a comeback, but for many years has been the realm of many crackpot theories. Thus many of us tend to shy away from its use when a more appropriate scientific term can be used instead. Milo's use of the term aether in his papers is why so many offbeat theories have been based on his work over the years.

Words can often cause as much confusion as they solve. This is often the case when subjects become complex. If you and I could sit down face to face where we could talk freely, we would probably never had the arguments we have had on the forum where it is easy for misunderstandings to arise. So I enjoy forums, but they are limited somewhat also. This has become clear on our forum also. Even though we all have based our work on Milo's, we have all diverged from that point on. The use of the term aether among us is still hotly debated as are many other points.

Well I have rambled on for far to long. Take care, and I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.