your problem is that you think of a plate that is so solid it does not change. (like a board). but in reality it does. one area, esp one one side of it, can rise while the rest drop, or not move. The plates are not completely solid, instead they are like playdo: they stick together but they can flex. when rock is under the kind of pressure that the plate is under, it is almost like a liquid. Its still solid, but not as solid as rock on the surface is.

perhaps you can explain why the land under the fringes of greenland are moving up, while the land under the interior is dropping. read that link i gave about greenland earlier. it says its already been proven to be happening.

you missed the quote that i gave completely.
man has learned that the everytime he answers a question, it poses a several more questions. that means that the more that he learns (as a race, not an individual), the more he finds that he needs to learn.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.