DA Morgan wrote:
It is not. Gravity has nothing to do with atoms. Why is it so hard for you to grasp simple concepts.

Instead of pointificating on what you don't understand try something new. Try finding out what gravity actually is.

instead of pointificating on other ppls ideas being wrong, why dont you read what they write.

with out atoms there is no gravity. so me where there is a gravity source without atoms.

that does not mean that gravity is part of the atoms, but that whatever force gravity is (its one of the 4 prime forces of the universe, along with strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and electromanetic force) it is in the atom. since no one yet knows what creats it, it might be the force that creats the atom. the point is, its a matter of chicken and the egg. wiether gravity creats the atom or the atom creats gravity or neither, its still a matter of the atom having that force with in itself. you can still say that the atoms are pulling other atoms towards its, since gravity has little effect on anything not related to atoms (and yes light and most, if not all, forms of energy are related in that they are somehow interactive).

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.