Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Could you be a little out of date here? smile

More a bad bias on my part, I don't accept much of cosmology and sometimes I forget to filter that bias smile

Originally Posted By: Bill S.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that I dread physical infinity. On the contrary; I find it very difficult to see an alternative to physical infinity, but I am open to reasonable discussion.

Okay I will give you a reasonable alternative, that infinities are relative to a constructed reality. The basic problem with infinities is being crazy humans the first thing we do is think we are working in some absolute system, even though science will tell you it knows of no absolute system of anything.

A rat running on an exercise wheel can run for what it sees as an infinity but a human watching will tell you that the rat is running on the spot and is going to die well before infinity arrives.

Sometimes humans forget they can be the rat, we think we are above that smile

The squared probability amplitudes in quantum mechanics may only be used to predict the properties of the system at a later moment from the properties at an earlier moment, there is no absolute in that process. That means all reality is relative to the observer and no two observers will necessarily agree on an observation which is the same as SR/GR. However that throws up an interesting problem.

To show you the problem look at the very good youtube video

The problem comes at around the 23:00min mark which they correctly describe.

When scientists are talking about reality that is the problem we are struggling with in a simplified form. Two observers seeing two totally different things and cause and effect counter-posed.

Last edited by Orac; 11/19/15 07:24 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.