Originally Posted By: Orac

Sorry don't agree one does not choose to be home sick one just is ...

It's called attachment. Its due to a conditioned dependence on the environment. Not all people are conditioned in the same way.

Originally Posted By: Orac
Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Intuition is not accepted by the current scientific community as anything that can be measured, and so it doesn't exist.

Complete garbage just because something can't be measured doesn't mean it doesn't exist to science IT JUST MEANS IT'S NOT SCIENCE. I can't measure religion so it can't be science but science doesn't claim religion doesn't exist which is what you are saying ... hence that is a TOTAL FABRICATION.

Not a fabrication. Not science, so to science it is not a subject of science as you say. Does not exist as science, does not exist, and as you are inclined to speak in terms of science, not something you would speak of without some kind of egoic commentary. Like those you have made about religion.
Originally Posted By: Orac

Then again you disappear neatly into mumbo jumbo about ego.

There it is.. wink

Originally Posted By: Orac
Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Conditioning: ****

This is pointless you don't even get a chance to register conditioning responses at a cognitive level.

Not at the waking state level where ego is in charge.
Originally Posted By: Orac
Flight and fight reflexes have been tested for decades and there isn't even cognitive recognition they are purely survival reactions and the idea that ego has anything to do with it is beyond my ability to bother arguing.

Agreed. Beyond your ability. Given that to be so, don't bother arguing then.

You believe a person reacts without cognitive understanding or the ability to witness what they are doing. You believe this is always the case or just generally specified according to certain stimuli and testing?

Originally Posted By: Orac
Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Stimuli: <snip> Their DNA does not presuppose conditioning to stimuli.

yeah sure I believe you but science says otherwise

If you believe me then why give science the authority?

Originally Posted By: Orac

I resign this is like trying to discuss genetics with Paul you just randomly change science data because it conflicts with what you believe.

I changed science data? When? Where? What data?
You're refusing to acknowledge the human factor, where ego defines science according to personal belief, and where science specializes thru the personal approach and argues for authority and definition of scientific principals.
If you want to argue that everyone who claims their specialty is science sets the standard for thinking and acting, then I would say all the arguments you have gotten into with others who call themselves a scientist, are the example I have been speaking of when it comes to ego. Science is not of one mind. It tries to remove itself from its own humanity by idealizing a scenario or setting that is beyond human error. Trouble is, when you decide a human is not capable of making a decision without a measure of control outside of individual thought and action, why bother interacting when you have made yourself inefficient to begin with. Almost like religion creating the original sin. No human can imagine a god because they are not godlike.
Similarly no science is perfect because it is created by the imperfect instrument, which fabricates instruments of measure.

People are subject to intellectual identification and emotional influence when conditioned by the rules of life dictated by science and people magazine.... whistle

Science is defined by people, and science does not always emulate human characteristics but rather contrived ideals that work within confined parameters.
Kinda like scientific laboratories don't exemplify real life?
Probably why science has taken an opposite point of view on fish oil, or acid reflux medicines.. or thalidomide. They don't perform in the real world like they do in confined conditions where science is not operating like the real world.

Love is reduced to genetic influence and chemical changes in the body. The meaning of life has no soul or life to it, by any definition of science.

Originally Posted By: Orac
Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Each of these schools of thought emphasizes the importance of one factor. Stepping back to see the bigger picture, though, it is clear that each is a valuable but, in itself, a limited perspective

I am sorry the DNA, survival and instinctive changes in a person are NOT CONTROLLABLE BY THE INDIVIDUAL ... science is very clear on that.

Not a reason to worship science as absolute or God... Science is not infallible.
Originally Posted By: Orac

You may see this big picture that you think you see but I am sorry science doesn't and I certainly don't.

That has pretty much been obvious.

I lose sleep at night because you don't agree with me.. whistle

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!