Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

You don't describe ego, but rather political fanaticism. Which is a belief/religion. Something Ego creates and perpetuates.

You seem a bit consumed by your past. Also something ego does. Focuses on the past rather than the present moment.

If you call that ego then I won't argue I really don't care enough about such things.

Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Putting on a face or pretense is ego and it applies to all humans not just Asia. Dividing humans into cultural variants is also ego.

Again fine you are just making ego a very broad term no wonder you appear hung up on it.

In my native tongue you have joined at least 5 different concepts which have specific words and meanings under your one term ego.

To me you are simplifying a lot of different concepts into the a concept of ego.

Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Influence or programming is the essence of the subjective ego. It does not have an objective viewpoint because it, in and of itself is not consciousness nor does it have free will.
The human consciousness either engages the ego as its servant or becomes enslaved by its definitions and programs.

That's a 6th different concept you have folded into ego as far as I would see it.

Originally Posted By: Tutor Turtle

Religion is belief. It is created by the ego. It (belief) permeates all actions of the waking state individual, no matter what the cultural background or political interests, or trade, or hobby.

Seven smile

No wonder you appear to be hung up on ego to me your definition is almost all encompassing to me.

I really don't have much to say about it your definition is too broad for me to argue. The world probably does all appear to be about ego if you want to simplify and widen ego to that sort of description but I do think you mix in many different motives and personality traits but that's my view.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.