Originally Posted By: Revlgking
1. THE SOMA COMPONENT: In order to be of practical use, the pod or the easel has to have a physical, or somatic, form. Any damage to any of the legs, or pods, renders the object useless. And regarding computers, without the physical hardware that is in good working order, no computing will get done.

If we upgrade to the human component, damaged legs do not make for a useless form. Are we speaking of the psyche of a three legged stool or a computer? Or a human being?
In what form does the human become useless or valueless?

Religion loves to make that judgment. What about you Rev.?
Originally Posted By: Revlgking

2. THE PSYCHE COMPONENT: Someone has to know how to make the object and someone needs to have an idea as to the use intended. Computers need to have software and people with the skills to create it, install it, update it, and use it.
Again are we speaking of the Human, or is this really about computers without free will or choice, or a soul?
Originally Posted By: Revlgking

3. THE PNEUMA COMPONENT: At all times people involved with all processes surrounding the making and use of the objects use their power of choice, their WILLpower. And computers without operators who know the operating system, how to use the hardware and the software, who have plans, goals and a purposes in mind are of little or no value.

The soul. What is it? What can it accomplish, what are its limits and who decides what it can or can't do? Could it be quantified by the ego which attaches itself primarily to the physical reality and all that it knows as reality?

Is there any book that was ever written that captures the soul and defines it?

Could anyone reduce the soul into the pages of a book?

Better yet why would one try?

The Vedic library consists of over 2000 volumes, all written about the relationship of the intellect with spirit. None of them attempt to define spirit. The ideas conveyed within the library is that it is beyond definition and experience.

Originally Posted By: Revlgking

Indeed, if there is to be good moral philosophy assisted by truth seeking science leading to creative and beautiful art there is always present a subtle and mysterious integration of all three components--body, mind, and spirit BMS--soma, psyche and pneuma.

So why are we using three legged stools or computers to illustrate morality, science and creativity in relationship to the soul and philosophy?

The souls of past present and future are not defined by morality or philosophy. Yet philosophical ideas are pasted upon it in attempts to define what is good and what is bad.
Spirit goes beyond these precepts and reflects itself upon diversity, and all social mores. For as long as humanity has existed.

Only religion seeks to separate God from what it defines as God, to manipulate and control.
Which is fine, contrast is needed to see where walls are built and lines are drawn in the sand.
But such separation only creates a tension and a stress when the intellect fails to control the world around itself and to hold any shape or form it constructs into permanence.
Originally Posted By: Revlgking

SOMATOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND PNEUMATOLOGY, working in harmony, can, and will, lay down the solid foundations of reality.
If we can think beyond being a three legged stool or a computer reality might Possibly be understood.

You might have to stretch yourself a bit more.

The changing psychological profiles of the manifest human condition is but a reflection of the soul. IT can never be defined or boxed. It would be like trying to take apart a human cell by cell to try and figure out what makes it run.

Not gonna happen using your approach.

Too bad you haven't yet discovered God.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Understanding scripture is not for the three legged stool or the computer. You would have to be much more than that.

The direct experience of God is quite revealing.

It is neither here nor there, a he or a her, yet it is all that and much much more.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!