Originally Posted By: Paul
if your driving your car on the highway at 100 mph
and there is a car in front of you driving at 99 mph

you would collide with the car in front of you and the
impact could be calculated at 1 mph , not much damage to
either car.

if your driving your car on the highway at 100 mph
and there is a car in front of you driving towards you
at 99 mph.

you would collide with the car in front of you and the
impact could be calculated at 199 mph , severe damage to
both car's.

so the mirror is vibrating at 5% the speed of light
which is 9300 miles / second

the photon is traveling at the speed of light.

impact = 186,000 mps + 9300 mps

Paul, once again you are ignoring the fact that the universal speed limit is the speed of light, approximate 186,000 mps. With respect to the mirror the light cannot travel any faster than that. You can't seem to get it straight that any time that light hits ANY object it does it at 186,000 mps. There are no exceptions, well except possibly some subtle QM effects.

OOPs I didn't pay close enough attention to Paul's post where he says he doesn't believe in Special Relativity. That imposes some severe penalties on his understanding of science, since the theory of Special Relativity has been so thoroughly tested that there is no doubt that it is real. I'm not quite sure how he expects to understand modern science when he refuses to believe in one of the fundamental laws that makes it work.

Bill Gill

Last edited by Bill; 01/18/13 08:06 PM.

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.