I'm of the opinion, that schools should not necessarily teach facts.
It seems prudent to teach people HOW to learn, not WHAT to learn.

I'm a product of a system that is among the top rated in the world, and I don't remember a damn thing from school. However, I did leave school with a desire to LEARN.

As a result, I use critical thinking every day in my current job. I applied with no skills, no knowledge, but with the ability to observe, adapt, and learn.

Trained as a cook and restaurant manager, but instead I prototype and manufacture many of the devices that bring us things like internet and television.

Critical thinking got me this job, and critical thinking has allowed me to become ever better at my job over the course of 8 years.

Also, critical thinking is essential when you live in, and maintain, a 40 year old trailer in Albertan winters.

Laziness breeds innovation