Paul, I don't want this thread to go into the big question of creationism. But that is where you seem to be trying to push it. I wanted to have this thread discuss ways to teach critical thinking in the everyday world. I don't think the clash between evolution and creationism is all that big a thing for most people most of the time. But every day we have to make decisions based on what we see around us. In this thread I would much more like to see us agreeing that critical thinking is needed for all the real world experiences we face. Then see if there is some way to teach it to the students in our schools.

Of course if our teachers do practice critical thinking they really don't have time to integrate it into their teaching schedules. Mostly they are running like mad trying to keep up with the facts they are required to teach so that the students can pass the required proficiency tests.

I recall several years ago I saw a story about a school that was planning to add a class in analyzing advertising. I thought that was wonderful idea, but I haven't heard any more about it. I expect that the school just doesn't have the money to put into the class. Here in Oklahoma all of our politicians talk about their support for education, then our legislature goes to work and cuts education budgets some more.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.