centripetal force and centrifugal force equations demand the above to be correct.

force requires motion.
more motion = more force.

centripetal and centrifugal force , Bill.

but since you asked , the force that holds you to the floor
is gravity , which Im almost sure that you knew already.

and guess what ! you are falling towards the center of the earth.

there just happens to be something else that is falling that is blocking your fall.

if you were in a zero g environment you would not be falling towards any object due to any gravity influence.

you would not be moving so your body could not impress a force
on another object.

your body would have mass , but your bodies mass would need to be in motion before it could impress a force on another object.

force requires motion.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.