Let’s get things in perspective. My understanding is that SAGG is a discussion forum. How dull discussion would be if everyone agreed with everyone else all the time. You will recall that I tempered what seemed to be a unanimous appreciation of Obama with a mention of something he had promised but not delivered. That is hardly enough to tarnish the halo of a popular politician, it’s something that most, if not all, do.

You seem immediately to have responded as though I had criticised America’s use of Guantanamo Bay. Whatever thoughts I might have had on that subject, I kept them to myself. Any implied criticism was yours.

Only in response to your comments, such as: “our People dont want them in the U.S., would you like to have them in Essex?” did I raise the question of the difficulty our Government had negotiating the return of British nationals. Again, this was not a criticism of policy, it was simply an attempt to discover how well your assertions matched reality. Clearly, however appropriate a long list of names may have been to what was in your mind, it did nothing to address my quest for clarity.

If you are going to take issue over criticism, it might be a good thing to make sure the criticism is real rather than a product of your interpretation.

its really hard to try and figure out what your trying to say
Bill s , maybe you should try and understand that I am not familiar with any brittish detainees

If you are not familiar with the situation, how wise is it to hold forth about it?

There never was nothing.