First off they are not being held in a foreign country.
the Guantanimo Cuba Naval Base is U.S. ground.

I agree they should be tried , but there are many things to consider.

1) suppose we tried one and found him not guilty.
we then returned him to where we captured him.

he blends in with the population and will always be considered as
someone who through information could have caused the deaths of terrorist , how long will he live?

2) if he was found not guilty but really was a terrorist and is returned to where we captured him.
he will always be considered as someone who through information could have caused the deaths of his fellow terrorist , how long will he live?
what must he do in order to achieve the trust of his fellow terrorist?
strap on a bomb and murder hundreds of innocent bystanders?

3) the release of a terrorist will tell terrorist that if they
are captured they will be returned at a later date.

perhaps the in humane United States should just strap a bomb on
one of them and allow one of them to remotely detonate the bomb while they are having dinner.

we have a bomb , we have innocent people , lets blow us up.

its what they do , they do it well , and they wouldnt care if
any of them are innocent or not , they would make a profound statement at that point.

and that statement would be that we are stupid heartless idiots.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.