Interesting, Bill. Let's look at that.


"these laws are a sort of “blue print” which nature has to follow in order to create our Universe as it was meant to be."

- is a matter of belief.


"scientists have studied the Universe and concluded that the way it is, and the way it behaves, can be specified within certain self-consistent parameters, and that they have then regarded the observed patterns as laws?"

- is a matter of fact.

"Do we seem to be going round in circles?"

- As long as we're discussing belief we can place the signposts any which way and so are likely to go round in circles.

I imagine the great majority of the world's billions are happy to state categorically that these so-called 'laws' had a law-maker, i.e. God. Maybe they're right. Or perhaps this whole shebang is a little toy put together by god-like entities for the amusement of their children. Isanagi and Isanami? Take your pick, there are an infinite (oh, that word again) number of options.

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler