you're developing an attitude signature

If I keep bringing infinity into the picture, I suppose I shall develop some sort of signature.

Originally Posted By: redewenur
Whether or not the universe is infinite, it can be said to possess knowledge in the sense that a fraction of it consists of conscious entities; but what's elusive is an explanation of how that part of the universe which is not comprised of conscious entities can know, or be aware of, anything at all - unless it has, in its entirety, a form of consciousness independent of those entities.

If the cosmos is finite then fractions of it can possess knowledge that the rest does not possess. However, if it is infinite, the entire cosmos must possess the knowledge of every fraction. How does the cosmos know the outcome of a particular experiment? The experimenter knows, so the cosmos knows. Thus, the "form of consciousness" of the cosmos does not have to be "independent of those entities", in fact, it is entirely dependent on those entities.

I use "cosmos" rather than "Universe" to avoid diversions into the possibly demonstrably finite nature of the Unuverse.

There never was nothing.