
When you consider how many versions of quantum reality there may be, they are probably all in the eye of the beholder.

Are you saying that all "reality" is subjective?

Yes, because we, or rather our minds, are an intrinsic part of reality creation. We use things like language and mathematics to describe reality (I'll discount emotions) to 'model' our experiences in terms of scientific observations, but such observations always involve us in interacting with and therefore disturbing nature. Again, we are back to 'observed' reality and 'unobserved' reality.


What is a scientific "fact", and how does it differ from a widely accepted idea that might be dispensed with at any time?

A scientific fact is information that has been acquired through repeated experimentation that has be repeated to such an extent that it has become predictive. However, the question is, did such a scientific fact exist before somebody decided to 'model' it? It seems to me that the more one tills a particular furrow, in terms of asking nature questions, the deeper and more enduring the furrow becomes, eventually attaining the status of a scientific fact.