As I said above: I am amazed at how this film was made. Somehow, it must have been set up. Be that as it may, it looks like God--if there is such "a" being--was, at this time, rooting for the bear smile "Later, I will let the cougar snack on a rabbit, or two. Such is nature as designed by "god".


"Cougar vs. Bear" on

To watch this video go to:

Let me be clear: I do not believe in a "god" who is one who suspends the laws of nature--one who does certain miracles for a certain chosen few, just because they happen to belong to the "right" kind of religion and who say the "right" kind of rituals and prayers at the right shrine and at the "right" time.

Be this as it may, take note that organized-doctrinaire-politicized-and-ritualized kind of religion holds no attraction to me. Of course I accept that there is such a thing as a healthy kind of religion--rare though it might be--but this does not make me a dogmatic religionist.

In addition to the above--and more than once, over my 80 years, I have survived several near-death experiences, including several near-fatal accidents. But I make no claim that a god blessed and helped me and, at the same time, arbitrarily, refused to do so for others.

BTW, as a minister, over the years I have witnessed the suffering, pain and deaths--and officiated at the funerals--of numerous people.

Long before I became a minister, and even as child, I witnessed the death of many people (before and during World War 2--including several close members of my own family.) Despite this, I have never claimed--nor would I now claim--that a god--the one believers call God--intervened, saved me, and gave me a special blessing, while neglecting.

However, I do acknowledge that good and marvelous things--some even of the trivial kind, like the finding of lost items--did and do happen. And they happen, not just to, and for, a chosen few, but to anyone of us willing to put ourselves into the flow of things, or, as some call it, nature.

Me? I like to call it the GOD-like flow of nature. May I remind you that I think of GOD--the good, orderly and desirable--as total Consciousness and Being--that is, total Awareness. And, in my experience, such miracles of the serious and trivial kind seem to happen more frequently than the laws of chance allow.

I realize that the following story is about finding lost items, but I tell it simply to illustrate a principle.

I once lost a rather valuable ring, twice. The first time I lost it was because it was a bit too large for my finger. It slipped off my finger when I was raking some leaves in my front yard--a fairly large area.

Later, when I missed it, and after a time of using visualization--and what I now call "meta-prayer", I felt that it was somewhere in the front yard, but a relatively long search produced nothing. I concluded that I could have stepped on it, or that I had thrown it away with the leaves I had stuffed in bags, which by then were well on their way to the city compost area.

A week or so later, again after I took the time of visualize and to meta-pray, something, within me, told me to go and get the lawn rake. With the rake in hand, I walked across the lawn.

As I moved in a straight line towards the large maple tree, from which the leaves fell, I moved the rake back and forth. Within a few feet of the tree, and in rather tall grass, the ring came up on one of the tines--or is it prongs?--of the rake. Foolishly, without getting the ring sized to fit my finger, I put it back on my finger near my wedding ring, which fits well.

Weeks later, I lost the same ring again. However, this time I had no idea where I had lost it.

I asked myself: "What am I to learn from this experience? Am I to learn that visualization plus meta-praying really is a useful tool and power?

After I did so, once again, I received a strong feeling: This time, I felt that the ring was still somewhere on my property, but at the back. not front. With the same rake in hand, which I had used before, I was moved to go to the patio in my back yard area.

There, I stood and held the idea in my mind--that is, I visualized--that I would be directed to the location of the lost ring. With the rake in hand, and eyes closed, I turned around and around, several times, and stopped. Then I said to myself: "I will open my eyes, and begin to move in the direction I see when I open them." I moved in the direction indicated--towards the back fence and just left of centre.

As I moved in that direction, I searched the ground--as I had done before, in the front yard--with the rake. When I got to within three feet of the back fence--where I had been digging earlier, and planned to do some planting ... I found nothing. No ring appeared on any of the prongs!

I was just about to give up, and call it a failed experiment, when I looked down and noticed a clump of soil where I had been digging a few days before. I kicked over the clump of soil, which I noticed near the fence, and there beneath it was my ring.

This time. I took the ring, fixed the problem I had had with it and placed it safely on my finger. Just this minute, I looked at it. It is still where it had been, safely so, for years.

Later, I told this story in a sermon. Following church, an elderly member of my church asked me: "Do you think that I could use the same method to find a box of valuables which I have lost?" I encouraged her to do so and gave her simple instructions in visualizing.

The following Sunday. She was all smiles: "It worked!" she said, and then gave me the details of how it had been misplaced.

Feel free to add any which you have experienced.

Last edited by Revlgking; 05/27/10 06:35 AM.