Originally Posted By: coberst
Humans are the first creatures evolving from nature that has the ability to act beyond the boundries of instinctive emotions.
This idea implies there is something greater than the ego and that the ego can be subservient rather than the master of cognitive ability. It also implies that humans are a part of nature since they can evolve, rather than separate from it. It also contains the often ignored reality that nature includes Self awareness and that it (nature) is in itself self aware, which also leads to the possibility to cognize that nature is in itself a reflection of itself in all areas of cognitive function and its possible levels of experience.
Evolution then, contained to Darwinian theory would limit nature to a process of materialism rather than the reality that materialism is perceived at the level of the ego based on whether the ego is the master or the servant.
Originally Posted By: coberst
Humans are the first creatures with the power to act freely of natures hard wired directives.
Nature has no directives. It has what are called natural laws or laws that support certain types and levels of experience of itself.
In other words if you have only one finger the ability of the hand is limited, but if the hand has five fingers its potential is increased. Self awareness is limited when it cuts off 4 of its fingers to insist that reality is derived and manipulated and comprehended by a hand with one finger. Free will allows one to pick a room with all the components in it that will either limit or enhance the senses, to either isolate ones self from nature or realize nature as the self. It allows one to believe they are a product of happenstance and subject to the circumstances that are of fortune or fate, or to take command and make of themselves and the world what they will.
Originally Posted By: coberst
Humans have created meaning wrapped in symbols and it is this world of artifically created symbolism that operates beyond the complete control of nature.

Humans create all types of meanings and ideas regarding nature and its limits or of its separation from humanity. It is nature that supports these illusions.And it is Nature that Humans are that have control over Nature. There are no limits to the human condition that are not self imposed.
Originally Posted By: coberst

The virtual world, the world of symbolic meaning, the world of non deterministic reality, is the world beyond the natural world. Ego is what has made such a world possible.
And nature supports both experiences in reality, the one of the virtual and the one of the un-manifest or world of possibility, or awareness of awareness above and beyond the limits and boundaries of the virtual world that is subjective in the isolation of identification with materialism that is the ego deluded one finger on the hand world.
Originally Posted By: coberst

Ego says, HOLD IT, TIME OUT, while I examine the situation to determine if I want to change the siuation.
Actually ego sometimes in its belief in evolution identifies the flow of free will as personal, and limits all possibility to the finite realm of personal perceptions based on the personal identity of I am the sum of my experiences and humanity is the sum of democratic idealism based on such and such an authority. There is the impulse of free will that allows the ego to translate the nature of reality into the confines of the personal domain separating nature from ones self but that is just an idea.
Originally Posted By: coberst

The ego is our command center; it is the “internal gyroscope” and creator of time for the human.
It appears that way when one has absorbed such beliefs in the psyche as they are defined by Freud.
Originally Posted By: coberst
It controls the individual; especially it controls individual’s response to the external environment. It keeps the individual independent from the environment by giving the individual time to think before acting. It is the device that other animal do not have and thus they instinctively respond immediately to the world.
All animals have an ego. The human ego is just tied to a more evolved mechanism of comprehension or awareness of self. The ego in itself is a construct of the imagination and it really has no control that is not given to it by the Greater Self or universal mind. It is just a simple move in the awareness to circumvent the stress related subconscious programs that give the ego the illusion of so much power over free will.
Originally Posted By: coberst

The id is our animal self. It is the human without the ego control center. The id is reactive life and the ego changes that reactive life into delayed thoughtful life.
This is the twist Freud made regarding the nature of humanity which is really the spirit or first cause. By eliminating anything that is not physical he reduces the essence of humanity to its animalistic beginnings as determined by the idea of the Darwinian type of evolution where one believes humanity has no source other than the primordial ooze, and the universe is the result of random ocurrences that just happen to come into an operative condition of order.
Originally Posted By: coberst
The ego is also the timer that provides us with a sense of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. By doing so it makes us into philosophical beings conscious of our self as being separate from the ‘other’ and placed in a river of time with a terminal point—death. This time creation allows us to become creatures responding to symbolic reality that we alone create.
It also allows us to be self/Self reflective and aware of the greater Self above and beyond the materialistic reality of animal evolved into biped with a notion. It allows one to recognize order within the universe and to also recognize that it is connected in more ways than that are defined as material to the universe, not only as a participant but as a creator. It is the mechanism that brings universal mind or the uncreated unmanifest impulse of possibility that is order, which also creates and facilitates experience, or the understanding of cause and effect of the knower, the known and the process of knowing.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!