coberst-Education and development may change people's perception of what is important and change behaviour to achieve that perceived goal. And of course, I really believe in the value of education. to literacy level at least, for everyone who has the ability to achieve it. Whether this is 'better' and an desired outcome 'for the greater good of society' is, I suggest, very much a moot point. As is the allocating of blame to the 'heaving masses' somewhere other than where you and I are fortunate to have made our home, and proposing to fix them up in some way.

The future of the planet is one where we are indeed all in it together, and the behaviour of those masses, as they emulate our standards is not hard to understand. What is hard though, and they may reasonably reject, is that they are expected to limit their aspirations so that we may continue in our wasteful habits. Maybe it is we who need the education and a change of character.