Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend

String theory says that everything is alive? Who in string theory says that? Leonard Susskind? Brian Greene?
Or is it some great scientific genius like Deepak Chopra?

String theory says all matter is connected including the matter that makes you, you. If we want to qualify any theory that you are alive I am thinking of a reference to a passage from scripture where Jesus said to a would be disciple to let the dead bury the dead. I think the application of this reference will fit in this case.

Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend

Not to maintain *his* scientific integrity, but to maintain the integrity of science. The idea of intellectual integrity must be utterly alien to you.

No the idea that one could take something from something that has no integrity is alien to me. And the idea that something of integrity could lose something of itself by some belief or thought followed by its defender is foreign to me.

Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend

Taking you to task for spouting pompous nonsense to a science group is not "denigrating" you.

I wasn't speaking of just me, I was thinking of how often you used the line "comic book" understanding to anyone who brought anything here to this forum that you judged as unworthy and how much energy you spend in voicing your disapproval. Some might think you don't have much of a life. By the way I've seen you on Youtube..Seriously you need to change your diet, you don't look healthy.

Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend

You seem to think that any requirement placed on science is an effort to hold back knowledge.

Not at all, my comments are strictly toward you and your beliefs and the lack of any definition of science. I have plenty of respect for science. It's you that I don't feel has much of an intelligent approach to anything that is being said. So far you show no real understanding or experience of Spiritual science other than what you've picked up from judgment of the subject which precedes any objective investigation. Nothing you reference has anything to do with what I Know of spiritual science so if you were to be the example of a scientist I would find you very close minded.

Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend
Science has been successful for a reason - because it filters the wheat from the chaff, it distinguishing what is knowable (either directly or inferentially) with its methods from what is not. Science is not a world unto itself - there ARE other realms of "knowledge," but they aren't science. It's not because *I* say so - it's because that's what science is.

Well from what you said before regarding Science as a self correcting entity It stands to reason that to stand behind drawn lines and say we are self correcting is to take a position regardless whether it is a false position until something better comes along. I can appreciate that thought, all superstition is based on that premise.
Originally Posted By: TheFallibleFiend

Now people who want to pretend to do science can spout silly stuff for weeks on end, but that doesn't make what they're saying science - just as they can fling poo and knock the pieces over, but they're not playing chess.

I agree, just as any scientist saying that spiritual science isn't science or that God does not exist because science has no proof does not make it so.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!