"I never said that. I think that good scientist is likely to have good common sense to support the institution of religion. And he is the most unlikely person to be rabid anti-religionist in any case."
Regardless of what you maintain, your requirement seems orthogonal to the facts...orthogonal meaning "irrelevant." Some antitheists are stupid. Some are brilliant. You provide no evidence of predominance one way or the other.

Your artificial criterion could be much more succinctly stated as, "I dislike anyone who doesn't believe in God." and "If someone doesn't believe in god then I am justified in making any claim I wish against this person."

As William James asserted, "Most people think they are thinking when they are are really just rearranging their prejudices." Logic is a non-trivial exercise for the vast majority of people - and that includes people who have "studied" logic, such as trivial philosophers, as well as, many who have just used logic, such as programmers.

Saying someone is illogical does not mean they are stupid. Often, they're just in over their understanding.