Sparky: Lets examine what you've said and see what survives.

1. "Scientists are a few, elite people"

If by elite you mean educated and inquisitive I confess. If by elite you mean powerful, well paid, and influential you are smoking something illegal.

2. "Calling others idiots will never market an idea"

True. But then I would consider science and marketing to be mutually irrelevant. The point of science is to discover truth. The point of marketing is to obscure truth.

3. "I would postulate that science alone does not fill the needs of most people"

I'd stop using the word postulate and suggest that sex does not fill the needs of most people either.
So what is your point?

So religion fills people's needs. So does heroin. So does tobacco. So does watching reality shows on TV. So what? Like I asked ... is there a point here somewhere?

4. "your strict adherance to an only science belief resembles a form of religion"

Your insistence on demonstrating your ignorance in public is a bit embarrasing. We have no "belief" in science. We find value in substantiating things before accepting them. Now the great and all powerful invisible purple rhinoceros insists you send 10% of your income to him as tribute.

DA Morgan